Japan / Taiwan Drawings

Tiny 2-3 inch drawings done with a blue pen. Funnily enough these were also done when my mood was pretty low like the post below this one. (hand for scale)

Gu Man

Not much else needs to be said. Gu man was created when I was at a lower point in my mood. I draw other people as gu men too. I think gu man captures that “gu” feeling well.

Businessman Dog

He’s a dog, and he means business.

Businessman dog is an incredibly optimistic working dog. I introduced him to the world in 2017 when I needed some cheering up, and I think his optimistic and hardworking attitude resonates with many. He encounters imposter syndrome, missed opportunities, work anxiety, and yet his unwavering positivity keeps him going through it all.



Fact Check

A radio play I created in college with some friends of mine.

Two friends argue about a fellow classmate named Piper and are surprised by how completely different their perceptions are of her. Are they mixing up her stories or is she just an outright liar?

Featuring the amazing talent of Chris Clancy, Josh Cloud, and Georgia Reid!

(Piper is a fictitious character, but based on someone in real life. Aside from some direction, everything is improvised)

Salt and Pudge Stickers

Hello! You can download these transparent .png files of Salt and Pudge here! Let me know if you use them! My instagram is @klokloshoo :)


1) Start an IG story post. Go to this site on a separate tab!

2) Press on an image until it says “Copy”.

3) Go back to IG stories and it should pop up in the corner!

4) Use it however you want!

Note: On some phones it might say “Share to IG stories” once you download the file instead of “Copy”